Saturday, August 31, 2019
Impact of globalization on manufacturing in the U.S
Globalization owes its origin to at least the late 1980s. During this period, new nations were entering into manufacturing, which was in some logic the weakest connection in the U. S. series of science, development, manufacturing, and sale of goods and services. However, for some nations such as Japan, lower wages firstly made it possible to exploit this relative U. S. weakness. Nevertheless, Japan swiftly developed other diverse advantages articulated on improved manufacturing methods (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). Impact on labor market Globalization stimulates extensively differing views and projections, varying from rosy portrayal of a supple, worldwide borderless labor market to awful situations of severe polarization between labor market â€Å"winners†as well as â€Å"losers. †First, let us examine globalization impact on careers (labor) and its subsequent consequences on manufacturing. With reduced trade barriers, new international market crop up as well as advanced information and communication technologies, the job market was tremendously affected. Globalization has had an astonishing effect on working-class citizens in the United States, chiefly through the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs brought about by outsourcing, with limited benefits to society (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). The key motivation for the outsourcing of jobs was to cut the extremely high labor costs that are thought to diminish revenue. Employers are reluctant to hire workers due to high cost of employee benefits, competitive wages, and skyrocketing health-care premiums hence they consider outsourcing the work to be cheap (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). In essence, it is more economical for an American firm to hire a computer programmer in India who would be eager to perform the work for about one-fifth the pay of an American employee with a degree, whose starting salary would be about $50,000-$70,000 (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). This leads Americans to be more uncertain about their job security since they cannot compete with their foreign counterparts that perform the same quantity of work for considerably less pay. Studies show that an estimated more than 2 million workers in the United States have lost their jobs in the last several years due to business closures in addition to layoffs (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003), (Benjamin and Perry 2003). Whereas higher productivity and new management and hiring practices are associated with loss of jobs, a number of companies are increasingly transferring their businesses to other countries with cheap cost of wages as opposed United States. Manufacturing industry has suffered largely in terms of job losses, involving mostly blue-collar workers. It is however acknowledged that many of white-collar jobs are going to China (for manufacturing) (Benjamin and Perry 2003). In the case of working Americans, they have been negatively affected by the colossal increase in foreign trade. There has been loss of well-paying manufacturing jobs, important downward pressure on wages as well as increased disparity. The doubling of trade as a share of the economy over the last 25 years was accompanied by a substantial trade deficit, directly displacing several million jobs (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). Majority of the jobs were in the manufacturing region, which incorporated millions of union jobs that were well paying compared with average wages (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). Within a period of five years from 2000 to 2005, there was decline as well as disappearance of more than three million manufacturing jobs. It is estimate that at least 30 percent of the decline was due to the rise in the manufactured goods trade deficit (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). With U. S. multinational corporations being occupied on both sides of the international trade, almost 50% of all U. S. -owned manufacturing production is now situated in foreign countries, thus an imperative part of the manufacturing job loss has been due to most of U. S. firms exporting back to the U. S. or producing abroad what they once produced locally (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). The loss of manufacturing jobs as result of globalization saw wage losses for displaced workers, majority of whom never regained their former wage levels even after acquiring new employment. Globalization had also the effect of increasing world production capacity, which had had the effect of lowering the prices of traded goods, the consequence of which saw workers pay being reduced to reflect the value of goods produced (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). Employers to oppose wage increments for the manufacturing employees used the direct foreign threat. Similarly, the flow of investment in plant and equipment and technology oversaw increase in foreign productivity in sectors that used to be U. S. export strongholds, resulting in declining terms of trade and hence declining real income growth. Last but not the least, as foreign trade drove workers out of manufacturing into poorly paid service jobs; the new supply of workers competing for the same jobs orchestrated lowering of wages of similarly skilled service workers. What does it imply? It implies that throwing the American workers into competition with production derived from low-wage countries, both those workers engaged directly in import-competing sectors as well as all employees economy-wide who have similar expertise and qualifications will have their wages squeezed. In fact, whereas trade flows with low-wage nations have increased, the distribution of income and wealth in the U. S. has grown more and more unequal (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). Impact on input versus output International Trade is increasingly imperative in the global economy and to the United States in particular. During the last 15 years, global sells abroad have more than tripled and have accounted for more than a third of global economic growth. In deviation from the previous decades, when industrialized economies dictated global trade flows, there has been an increase in developing economies’ share of global exports by just over a quarter in the late 1990s to 41 percent by 2004 (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). Increased participation in international trade by the developing world is a crucial force behind what many refer to as â€Å"globalization†. Actually more than 50 percent of US trade presently carried out with developing countries, up from just over a third in the late 1980s. In US economy, manufacturing is the most trade-engaged sector accounting for 60% of the country’s exports and 80% of imports. Globalization has had an important impact on U. S. manufactures, as manufactured products accounts for 75 percent of worldwide trade (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). Following vigorous intensification of both U. S. manufactured exports and imports at some stage in the mid 1990s; a noteworthy departure has taken place. Ever since 1998, U. S. sells abroad have grown by just 3 percent per-year (Bardhan & Kroll, 2003). The country’s share of world exports fell from 13 percent in 1998 to just 9 percent in 2004 – the lowly allocation dating 17 years back. Happening correspondingly, imports grew by 8% per-year and the manufactured trade shortfall increased from -240 billion to -603 billion by 2005 (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). Whereas a variety of the latest import surge has been as a result of the strong U. S. conomy (especially since mid-2003) the truth remains that today, trade ins account for over a 35 percent of manufactured products consumed in the United States – an increase from 25 percent in 1992 and just 15% a 10 years earlier (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). A 66 percent of the increase in manufactured imports since 1998 originated from the developing world, and half of that has came from China alone. This rise in import penetration and loss of export competitiveness has had a sign ificant impact on the current state manufacturing (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). While in general, manufacturing production has improved from the 2001 decline, currently positioning at 6 percent above its pre-recession high, in addition to manufacturing employment increasing moderately subsequent to bottoming out earlier in 2004, the present manufacturing resurgence has developed half as fast as the recoveries following the preceding four declines (Bhagwati & Marvin, 1994). Of eminent concern is the loss of market share both at home and abroad in recent years by the Unite States manufacturing. While some articulate this market share loss to be because of the inevitable bad trade policy as well as globalization, to others this serves as a pointer to the fact that in a time of severe global competition, changes in a country’s competitiveness have much larger effects at present than they had in previous decades. Consider dollar value for instance. After sustaining stability for the better part of a decade, its value increased by 28 percent through the period running from 1996 to 2002. Dollar value increase led to imports being competitive in the US market, whereas concurrently it made U. S. exports more costly in markets overseas. It was during this period that, the rise in import penetration as well as the loss of global export share abroad was most significant. In a period of elevated international competition, US manufacturers have crucially been burdened by high structural non-production costs. Over the last decade, U. S. manufacturers have increased their productivity by over half, more than 150 percent the pace of their major trading partners. Conversely, much of these efficiency gains have been offset by rising non-production costs at home. As per a research carried out several years ago by the NAM’s Manufacturing Institute, which compared non-production costs on U. S. manufacturers to their nine major trading competitors: The findings indicated that Corporate Taxes on U. S. manufacturers were 16% high than those of their major trading partners. Benefit costs 36% higher, Regulatory burden 85% higher and Litigation 250% higher. Summed up, these excessive non-production costs add 22% to the cost of manufacturing in the U. S. and put U. S. manufacturers at the same level with Germany as most expensive place to produce in the world (Benjamin & Perry, 2003). Moreover, the recent rise in natural gas prices in US has only exaggerated the problem. If US could exclude those excessive costs, it would actually be a lower-cost place to manufacturer than most of their industrialized competitors (Broda & David, 2006). Outsourcing has seen the elimination of hundreds of thousands of jobs in the United States within the manufacturing industry. Outsourcing not only benefited US corporations, but also minimized the benefit to society (Broda & David, 2006). To offer an anecdote to this observation that outsourcing only benefits corporations while, only minimizing the benefit to society, Tyco Corporation, recently relocated to a location in Texas. Two of the major grounds for their relocation were due to the fact of lower labor costs as well as cheaper manufacturing costs (Broda & David, 2006). This was due to the comparatively close proximity to Mexico. Tyco perhaps took advantage of the great number of immigrants that move to Texas, who can work for comparatively low pay, which would facilitate raise, their bottom line. In so doing the company laid-off more than two hundred employees, some of this had been with the company for almost thirty-five years who had been making close to $22 per hour. The net effect was that these employees had to look for fresh employments, in lower-paying positions that maybe paid half as much, as well as they lost all of their seniority (Broda & David, 2006). Conclusion Even though there has been decline in jobs as well as universal interest within the manufacturing sector, outsourcing has had its benefits within the United States (Mandel, 2004). Sadly, it has been a consequence of just corporate welfare. Outsourcing has absolutely maintained costs low because of cheap input costs, which drips downward to the end user in low-priced products. In addition, with productivity rising from annually, corporations have been capable to raise their bottom lines while avoiding price surges (Mandel, 2004). Regrettably, corporate profits are escalating, save for there are no new jobs being createdâ€â€jobs relocated to other countries are not being replaced. If blue collar, working-class citizens as well as the jobless workers who experience no job intensification are losing out, in that case who is winning the battle? Fine, additional productivity as well as lesser-input expenses decode to higher wealth. Businesses with their continually increasing profit limits; consumers, who experience near to the ground cost of goods. Furthermore, with no job growth in the current economy, there is really no new job industry to lead the way in creating new jobs. Too many U. S. jobs are being outsourced, and without the innovation of new industries, â€Å"job growth will stay sluggish, demand will eventually sag, and†¦incomes will be driven down under the continued pressure of competition from China, India, and other low-wage countries†(Mandel, 2004). However, with the innovation of new upcoming technologies there can be an explosive surge in employment and enormous potential for the economy.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Ugly or Beautiful
Ugly or Beautiful? It is well known that beauty and ugliness are opposites. If that is so, how can art be ugly and beautiful at the same time? Some pieces of art are ugly to the eyes but beautiful mind. The Venus of Willendorf (Venus of Willendorf: 1-3) is an example of such. It is a small figure of a large woman. She has very large breast with skinny little arms rested on top of them. Her breast lay on her even larger stomach, which hangs down to just above her pubic area.Her pubic area and belly button are well defined but there is only small evidence of nipples. Starting at her wide hips her thighs touch and press together down to the knees, and then become much smaller than the rest of her. Her head is completely wrapped with what seem to be braids, with no face visible. This figure, at first glance, and second, isn’t one of beauty. After all, it is a rather plump nude woman with no face. But, looking closer and noticing where the emphasis lies gives it a different look.Th e woman’s breasts, stomach, and pubic area grab the most attention; all three of these being attributes of a woman’s fertility. It seems as though they are being used to show a celebration of her fertility and ability to have strong children like her. Looking deeper into this figure it can go from something ugly to something special. Another example would be Punitavati (Punitavati/Karaikkal Ammaiyar: Intro 8). Punitavati is a bronze sculpture of a rather grotesque woman. She is very lanky.She sits with her bony legs crossed and spread, her arms in front of her holding a small musical instrument. She has the face of a crone, with large high raised eyebrows, a long protruding nose, and a fang-toothed smile. Her entire body is bone skinny, except for a slight bulge in her stomach. This sculpture was made to symbolize her immense inner beauty. According to legend, this now hag-like woman was once stunning. Her husband had left her because she gave away one of his mangoes t o a beggar. She then turned her god, the Hindu Shiva, offering up her beauty.Shiva accepted, turning her into this figure. Her appalling appearance is used to show the beauty of her generosity and sacrifice. One other would be Rebellious Silence (Shirin Neshat, Rebellious Silence 20-33). This is a photograph of an Iranian woman, she is wearing a traditional Iranian women’s wardrobe, except her face is completely uncovered. Calligraphy is written across her entire face besides her eyes, and straight through the middle of her face she is holding up a gun barrel. This image wouldn’t strike most as an object of â€Å"beauty†.It does grab your attention though. It makes you stare at the woman who is staring so intensely back at you. She wants to make her presence known and speak out in a country that doesn’t see women as equal. She is a strong and defiant woman. The longer you hold her gaze the more you can see the beauty in her braveness. All art may not be p leasing to look at, but a lot of the time there something deeper and more appealing in the meaning. Sometimes you must search to find the beauty of something ugly.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Choose a journal article from your subject area. Examine it using the Essay
Choose a journal article from your subject area. Examine it using the following - Essay Example This student also expected that Churchill devoted many of his speeches on foreign affairs more than Gladstone, since the former lived during the times of two world wars and other wars. The startling results are that both Churchill and Gladstone devoted majority of their speeches on domestic affairs and that Churchill gave less Parliamentary speeches than Gladstone. Apparently, the media does not project Churchill as a domestic statesman. This essay aims to review the strengths and weaknesses of the methods and sources of data of this article, using several respectable books on political and social science research. The methodology for Meisel’s (2000) research is quantitative. He rejected rhetorical analysis because of his research goals that emphasise learning through the numbers. He believed that numbers could provide greater information on â€Å"the overall patterns and underlying structures of Gladstones and Churchills speech-making†(263). To examine Gladstone’s speeches, Meisel (2000) used Arthur Tilney Bassett’s index of speeches. Bassetts index included the date, place and subject of almost all of Gladstones acknowledged speeches inside and outside parliament (Meisel, 2000: 271). For Churchill, similar categories of information can be obtained from Churchills Complete Speeches and Robert Rhodes James’s collection of Churchill’s speeches. After that, Meisel (2000) examined the individual speech productivity of these statesmen, before he compared and contrasted the speech content and locations of Churchill’s and Gladstone’s speeches. The strengths of the quantitative methodology are ability to provide accurate measures of productivity for comparison purposes, and statistics could be compared to deduce changing political directions and events. The sources of this article were able to provide information about the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Principles of Macroecomomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Principles of Macroecomomics - Essay Example 295). Figure 1. Disposable income and MPC Source: Miles and Scott (2005, p. 295) It can be found in all textbooks in macroeconomics that the MPC is related with the Keynesian income multiplier. Following Mankiw (2009, p. 373-374), the Keynesian multiplier process begins when government spends. For example, let us say that government spends ?20 billion (as mentioned earlier, Mankiw’s discussion used dollars not pounds). If the MPC is ? or 0.75 then the ?20 billion spent by government is received by society as factor payments of ?15 billion wherein, in turn, 75% of the ?15 billion are spent by those who received the payments. In turn, the factors who received the payment of 75% of the ?15 billion will spend ? of their income or 75% of 75% of ?15 billion and the chain goes on continuously. According to Mankiw (2009, p. 373), the process continually repeats and goes on indefinitely resulting into a total spending illustrated by Table 1. Table 1. MPC and multiplier resulting from i nitial government spending of ?20 billion Source: Mankiw (2009, p. 373) Based on the above, from the Keynesian perspective, government spending multiplies or increases income received by society based on the marginal propensity to consume (Mankiw 2009, p. 373-374). Based on Mankiw (2009, p. 374), the multiplier based on the MPC can be derived as: . The foregoing is equal to the following (Mankiw 2009, p. 274): . Economists are concerned with the MPC because the MPC is intimately related with the Keynesian income multiplier. It follows from the multiplier = 1/(1-MPC) that the higher MPC or the marginal propensity to consume, the higher the multiplier is. A low MPC implies a low Keynesian multiplier. As implied by our earlier discussion, Baumol and Blinder (2009, p. 160) discussion is similar but Baumol and Blinder’s take-off point for the concept of the marginal propensity to consume is disposable income rather than plain income. Disposable income refers to that part of income left after taking out taxes and the transfers payments received are added (Baumol and Blinder 2009, p. 157). Based on Baumol and Binder (2009, p. 157), at the macro level, disposable income or DI is: DI = GDP - Taxes + Transfer payments = GDP - (Taxes – Transfer payments) = Y - T. Miles and Scott (2005, p. 298) provides an interesting illustration of the Keynesian multiplier based on the modelling of the Keynesian perspective through the consumption function. In Figure 2 below, the 45 degree line is the level where spending equals income while PEo is the initial level of spending by consumers, government, and investors. A rise in government spending leads aggregate spending to PE1 such that following the Keynesian perspective, an increase in income from Yo to Y1 results. Figure 2. Marginal propensity to consume and multiplier Source: Miles and Scott (2005, p. 298) Miles and Scott (2005, p. 298) preferred, however, to say that â€Å"the multiplier shows how much demand rises once all agents have adjusted to an event that generates a change in some component of demand.†Following, this interpretation, it is important to study the MPC because initial spending by government or an increase in spending by any one or the consumer, government, or business can increase aggregate spending â€Å"once all agents have adjusted†to the initial increase in spending by any or all of the economic agents. Miles and Scott (2005, p. 299) even pointed out that â€Å"the larger is the propensity to con
Monday, August 26, 2019
Strategies for Responsible Downsizing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategies for Responsible Downsizing - Essay Example 4). This article is of interest to corporate management and Board members who are exploring the option of downsizing their workforce. Cascio delivers a lengthy review of real-world risks, benefits and disappointments by organizations choosing to downsize. It is highlighted that a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis be carried out first. This will assist management to make an informed decision as to whether to downsize, and how to implement their decision in a responsible and transparent way (Horngren et al. 100; Hoggett, Sweeting and Radford 15). The goal of strategy change is to enhance market competitiveness and to align with international discourse of corporate social responsibility (CSR). Management may decide to downsize with the goal to improve returns. Evidence shows that this is only a short term solution. There are significant social consequences, such as the loss of human resources, customers and suppliers confidence. Future growth will be more costly because of having to continuously hire new staff to be trained; low wages and poor working conditions do not endear staff loyalty. Further, there can be a lack of corporate structure following downsizing, in turn increasing the workload and interpersonal and intrapersonal pressures on staffs, affecting customer interest and loyalty. With regard to needing a strategic option that is a preventative measure to reduce costs, downsizing is a last resort. Are Employees Assets or Costs Management accounting classifies labour as a variable cost rather than a fixed overhead (Horngren et al. 10). Employees are viewed as "costs," to be "cut" when downsizing. Human Resource managers however, view people as the greatest asset within a corporation, which is a network of social beings interlinked with external networks. As Cascio notes, contemporary responsible restructuring requires that employees be seen as assets to be developed. Multi-skilling of employees is a key training focus within commercial industry today, with R&D using predominantly government support, to study organizational culture, leadership patterns, continuous improvement and learning across the lifetime. Business Concept
Fighter Jets Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Fighter Jets - Speech or Presentation Example The role of the air force could be divided into the following tasks: interdiction, close support, bombing, reconnaissance and air superiority. Interdiction is the task in which the air force intercepts an aerial target as it is moving towards its destined objective. Close support means the air force will provide lead aerial fire support against opposing ground or sea targets. Reconnaissance is the observation and gathering of enemy presence and movement from a safe distance. Air superiority is the task of securing the airspace of a battle-zone to ensure control of aerial advantages. In the case of air superiority, victory lies in the side that have the better skills and an even a near equal measure of equipment. The only way of getting rid of opposing air superiority is by either having the better pilots and planes, or by having the ground forces have a superior anti-air defense system and weaponry. Fighter jets could make use of either auto-cannons or different kinds of missiles to destroy aerial targets. Auto-cannons are used when aerial combat has become a close ranged dogfight. Missiles are used differently, depending on its kind and size. Some missiles are heat-seeking types which home into any heat signature found in the radar sight. Radar-guided missiles are missiles that are guided to a target based on the direction the radar bore-sight is aimed on. In combat, pilots of fighter jets would either have to maneuver their way from getting shot down, or make use of different countermeasures like flares, chaff or jamming systems, to avert any enemy weapons from hitting them. It should be remembered that the introduction of jet aircrafts, despite being a scientific and engineering endeavor, is a co-related to the arms race of military powers in gaining advantages of air power and superiority. During the First World War, the concept of air warfare was born and put into its early stages of application. While most critics in the military circles that time express ed that aircrafts in warfare will just be relegated to a purely reconnaissance role, a handful of visionary and forward thinking military officers and theorists saw the great potential of aircraft in more combative roles in future wars to come. The latter among the two sides were very much correct. Come the Second World War, the world’s powerful military nations already developed a formal and fundamental doctrine for their air forces. It became apparent to military leaders in the world’s leading nations that control of the air would limit the role of enemy ground and maritime forces since aircrafts literally have the sky as the limits unlike the armies and navies. Germany and Russia developed their air force doctrine to play a close combat support in tandem with their ground forces with respect to combined arms tactics and strategy. The British pursued a more active air superiority and defense role for its aircraft, while developing long range strategic bombing strateg ies with the Americans later on. The Americans and Japanese developed the basis for naval aviation as they produced aircrafts designed to operate on naval aircraft carriers. As the war dragged on, Germany’s air force also developed into air superiority roles as they switched into a more defensive strategy. As the war prolonged during the Second World War, the nations at war would pour a great deal of effort in trying to get the advantage over their adversary by
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Challenges of VET Programs in Schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Challenges of VET Programs in Schools - Essay Example It also offers different forms of trainings that help students fit into the job market easily. This paper will describe the vocational and training program in detail and highlight challenges that the program is facing. One may wonder how Australia arrived at a situation whereby a vocational and training program became an available option in the education system. History reveals that TAFE has been a leader in offering technical training for more than hundred years. However, tracing what it has evolved into from the 1970’s is more crucial than the entire history. Australia found 1970’s to be full of economical challenges. Its export values dropped and the country plunged into inflation and unemployment. Since the world was embracing technology so fast, people became jobless in Australia. The Sydney mechanical college had been offering technical skills that enabled people make a living before the hard times. When the economy destabilized, strategies changed. The Australian National Training Authority came into place and introduced vocational and education training in schools (VET). Students could learn different vocations alongside the curriculum and even train on workplaces. The program’s main objective was to provide the students with skills that could enable them find jobs or learn trades that could enable them make a living (Rauner, Maclean & Boreham, 2008). Vocational education and training is part of what TAFE does. Currently, TAFE has a broad range of courses. TAFE targets people of all age groups. It offers trainings to students who are completing their year12 enabling them to land jobs. Courses for such students instill them with skills that are necessary for the workplace. In addition, TAFE offers part-time courses to people who land jobs before they complete school. Other working class people need extra qualifications to get promotions and TAFE offers such. TAFE is unique and is the preferred choice because it offers nationally and internationally recognized courses at a broad range. On the hand, similar courses are available in schools approved and supported by TAFE for students who are yet to complete their year 12. It is one of the ways of ensuring a high retention rate to curb levels of dropouts. Schools offering such courses prepare students for the workplace and offer them life skills. These schools link up the students with workplace exposures. By the time of completion, students have some experience that can help them get jobs. In addition, these schools are a choice for students who cannot put up with the curriculum in the other schools. Instead of dropping out of school, they opt for TVET schools. Schools that run VET program have had their success stories over the years. They have positively influenced the society. However, such schools face several challenges. One of the challenges has its roots on the nature of the courses offered. Critics argue that students take subjects of a broad range making it difficult for them to determine their certification level. According to these schools, students complete their courses. However, keeping a track of all the courses students take becomes quite complex and this is the basis of the challenge (Maclachlan, 1994). As TAFE supports schools in offering TVET, it includes a program that requires a student to get a job and work a day weekly for several months. Students have to manage their time wisely and manage the two
Saturday, August 24, 2019
How civil war changed families Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
How civil war changed families - Assignment Example Why should only men be able to fight for what they believed in? Also of course a soldier earned roughly double what any woman, whatever her profession or trade, could earn at the time. A ‘man’ had freedom which a woman could not enjoy, so some of these women kept up the pretence for the rest of their lives, although the majority were spotted at some early point. Jenny Hodgers was one of the women who believed that there were more opportunities given to young men than would ever be available to women at that time. It is even possible that she saw it as the only way she could survive in her adopted country. Righthand gives an estimate of about 400 such women who actually served as soldiers. ( Righthand 2011) Yet in 1909 the United States Army issued a statement, saying that they denied the fact :- Any woman was ever enlisted in the military service of the United States as a member of any organization of the Regular or Volunteer Army at any time during the period of the civil war. (quoted by Johnson, 2009). Jennie Irene Hodgers was one such woman. Born in Ireland into a poor family she somehow managed to survive the famine and eventually arrived in America, perhaps from Belfast. The date is uncertain, but she possibly already dressed as a man. Crombie suggests that she was a stowaway ( Crombie , 2005). One suggestion is that her step father made her dress as a boy in order that she could earn the family necessary money ( Vicksburg National Park , undated). She took work as a labourer, as a shepherd and as a farmhand, but America was already split by war, and had been so since 1861. Aged only 19 in 1862 she enlisted in the 95th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment ( O Coisdealha, 2010). There was a medical examination, but this was only concerned with the eyes and ears of the new recruits. She didn’t even have to commit forgery as she could neither read or write, so just made her mark (Crombie, 2005). There was no space on the form for writing male or female. It simply wasnâ€℠¢t considered as a possibility. There followed a month or so of basic military training and then the company marched off to Kentucky and their real war began. During the next three years Jennie would march some 10,000 miles back and forth as the war progressed. Despite being only 5’ 3†, and so one of the shortest people in the regiment , she held her own in some 40 battles under the leadership of General Ulysses S.Grant. She was simply thought of as a bit of a loner , as when he /she sought privacy for such things as bathing. It is believed that the other soldiers were unaware of her true gender. This she was able to keep up even when she had a severe attack of diarrhea (Vicksberg National Park, undated). She was captured at the siege of Vicksburg, but escaped by knocking her guard cold. She managed to get through the whole war without serious injury, although there were times when many around her suffered serious wounds. This meant her body was never examined closely a ll that time . Years later when her true identity was finally revealed one of her former messmates would say :- â€Å"I never suspected at any time all through the service that Cashier was a woman.†There was agreement that she pulled her weight as well as any other soldier. The men slept in the clothing they had worn all day. Sometimes they would go weeks without undressing and bathing. All of this would help Jenny to keep up her deception. The war was over at last in August 1965, and she, along with all the other soldiers, was demustered with an honourable discharge. She was then left to make her own way ion life , as were all the other veterans. Faced with an uncertain future she decided to keep up the disguise. She returned to the one place she knew well, Illinois , where of course she was
Friday, August 23, 2019
Reading and Answer the Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Reading and Answer the Question - Essay Example Various reactions arise regarding the funding of several arts in Melbourne an example being arts works of the twenty- eight year old McLennan’s at Victorian Arts College. There are many responses to the controversy surrounding public art and political message which makes the funding arts with political messages be viewed as an issue that pause some considerable threat. Therefore, there is a need to fund nonpolitical artistic works, since they perform a legitimate role in enhancing public reflection stimulation. This means that public funds are used for the benefit of the public, and not for the political interests of some politicians or individuals with hidden political intentions. However, as far as arts with political messages are concerned, there should be guidelines that control and regulate the use of public funds for art-funding to prevent the misuse of these funds in satisfying political needs of a few individuals. In the video that Mallika Sarabhai shares in her presentation, three main themes are clearly highlighted. Justice is the first theme that comes out clearly in this presentation. In the transformative story in dance by Mallika Sarabhai, the one eyed monkey feels that humans are unjust due to the way the woman treats the monkey after the god Indira fulfills that desire of the woman. The other theme that is seen in Mallika Sarabhai presentation is crime and crime subjects. In the presentation concern arises about who or which race is to be blamed for incidence of crime. The reluctance of the police in response to crime activities is reflected upon in this presentation. Lastly, the third theme that Mallika Sarabhai addresses in the presentation is the plight of women. Mallika does this by asking the audience several questions about rape cases in the nation whereby Mallika self-response to these questions shows that many women and girls are rape
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Defining Personal Responsibility Essay Example for Free
Defining Personal Responsibility Essay Abstract Personal responsibility is the choices and obligations we make in life. Everyone is responsible for their own actions no one else. We all must have good character, moral values and a healthy lifestyle in order to accept personal responsibility. Once we use our good character and moral values to help us know what is right and wrong, it is up to us to be responsible and make the right decisions. Also promoting a healthy life style show you are responsible mentally, physically and emotionally. All in all, once we accept the fact that we are the only ones who can change our lives by making good choices, we have accepted personal responsibility! Defining Personal Responsibility and Obligations to Oneself Personal Responsibility is realizing that you are responsible for the choices and obligations you make in your life! According to Dr. Dlugokinski, â€Å"Accepting personal responsibility may be one of the keys to happiness. †It is our responsibility to make sure we have good character, moral values and a healthy life style, no matter who influences you or how you grew up. Then and only then can you achieve this ultimate happiness. As we grow as people we develop many responsibilities throughout our life and we will always experience difficult choices. As a responsible person, it is up to us to decide what is good or bad, right or wrong and to accept the consequences of our actions. Good character refers to the many qualities that distinguish one individual from another. (Merriam-Webster). Everyone has character, it is just up to us to decide which characteristics are our strengths and which are our weaknesses. Having qualities such as being trustworthy or punctual are good characteristics in a person, which if used correctly will have good results to our actions. Where does personal responsibility fit in? Well we are responsible to choose which characteristics define us as a person. Making the choice to be punctual instead of late all the time shows that we are personally responsible about our good character. If we choose to be late instead of punctual, we are not accepting our personal responsibility that we must be punctual so we suffer from the consequences. Moral values are the values of good and evil, which help us make the right and wrong choices in life. We develop these moral values throughout our life time and it is our personal responsibility to use them when making choices or obligations. Having moral values is important in personal responsibility because the moral values you live by will help you determine what’s right and what’s wrong. Once we’ve determined what’s right or wrong we use those values to help make sure we are doing the right thing which is the responsible way to do it. Finally, having a healthy life style is the most important key to personal responsibility. Everyone is responsible for how they live their lives but it is important to make sure you are mentally, emotionally and physically stable in order to live a good life. We as people like to blame everyone else for our problems but the only real person to blame are ourselves. We ourselves are personally responsible for the way we live are lives no one else. If you don’t live a healthy lifestyle it is your responsibility to change that or accept the burdens that come with not living a healthy life style. When you accept responsibility, you admit you are the one responsible for the choices made in your life. We, no other person or thing, are responsible for what we choose and think. It is our life, and we are the only ones responsible for it. Roman statesman Claudius Caecus quoted, â€Å"Each man the architect of his own fate. †Meaning we are responsible for our lives will turn out, no one else. Once we decide what we want in life and take responsibility for it, we have accepted personally responsibility. References character. (n. d. ). Merriam-Websters Medical Dictionary. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from Dictionary. com website: http://dictionary. reference. com/browse/character * I used this reference from the dictionary to give my readers a better understanding to what character means. I also wanted to explain that it is good character that is needed in a person’s personality that will help them achieve personal responsibility. People must avoid victimization mindset. (1995, May 24). Journal Record, pp. NOPGCIT. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/259366813?accountid=35812 * Dr. Eric Dlugokinski, psychologist and professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, says accepting your own responsibility requires determination, commitment and a recognition of reality. Dlugokinski said, If you dont know where your responsibilities start and stop, you continue blaming others and stay in an emotional rut forever. Defining personal responsibility, in many cases, requires soul-searching. Responsibility. (2007). Bloomsbury Business Library U. S. Business Quotations, 133. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. * The article presents quotes related to responsibility from U. S. journalist Ambrose Bierce, Roman statesman Claudius Caecus and British poet Richard Aldington. This specific quote was delivered by the Romas statesman Clausius Caecus (fl. 300 b. c. ). It was quoted in De Civitate (Sallust), sect. 1. This quote was perfect on concluding how I feel about personal responsibility. He says we are the arichetect of our own fate. He is saying that we decide how our lifes will turn out, no one else and that is accepting personal responsibility. It is a quote that sums up my whole paper in a single phrase. I have found out that it was quite difficult to find resources on the University Library for my essay. The library offers amazing resources for research but not much for personal essays. I did however manage to find a few quotes that fit perfectly in my essay. My first reference is not from the library, it is an internet resource from a reliable dictionary. This site is published so it is stating that it is reliable. The two sources given from the library are reviewed and published which means they are very reliable sources. I believe these resources strengthen my essay because it gives my reader a factual understanding.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Urban Planning for Administration Essay Example for Free
Urban Planning for Administration Essay Urban planning is the incorporation of the regulation of land utilizes planning and transportation planning to discover extremely broad variety of features of the constructed and communal surroundings of developed municipalities and neighborhood. It is the influential equipment used for minimizing the largely force of settlements on the local and regional surroundings and for advancing circumstances within the settlement. This can also be defined as the arrangement of all fundamentals of a town or other city surroundings. In most cases, the process makes use of science and art disciple whereby they have to come up with the actual plan to be implemented on the ground. For a given city to be identified as planned wisely and efficiently for its use, it has to follow the planning process stipulated for the city. This is because; every city has its own process to which it tends to guide them on achieving the best environment for their citizens. In order to the objective more efficiently, the member participating in the decision making has to be familiar with the different type of features that has to be observed during urban planning. Aspects of planning These are normally the characteristics of a given city or town that the administration has to observe while carrying out their urban planning process. Urban aesthetic In any city around, the beauty value of the country has to be observed while carrying out their planning process. This permits the planners to be able to manage the growth of the city in future and enhancing its safety to the users as well. Safety This is the ability for the city to be protected from any of the external forces that might cause havoc to the users of the city. For this to be attained, the planners has to observe the height of the building in the city, the direction to which they are face as regard to the weather in the region, the type of the material to be used as well as the design to be used in the city Bonine Brass 1994, p 217). It has been noticed that, some of the disasters that do occur in the world are to the result of the assumption of this aspect from the planners. Reconstruction and renewal This is the most significant aspect that a city has to observe before and during their planning process in the city. In this, they will be able to allow room for the expansion of the city in future with no congestion of the building and squeezed roads. Transport Transport is the movement from one location to the other, thus, the planners has to ensure that the transport arrangement in the city is of high standard to avoid traffic. It has to be able to accommodate the people in the city with no obstruction. To achieve this, they have to ensure that they balance well with the density of people and vehicles in the city. For more efficient transport planning, the planners have to make good use of transportation oriented improvement. This tries to position greatest concreteness of employments or inhabitants next to high-volume moving. In order to attain the density of the city, one uses the floor area ration system in that when the ratio is under 1. 5, the city is known to be of low density and that of 5 is known to be of high density. Environmental factors Ecological fortification and maintenance are very important in any urban planning being carried out in the world. This assists the planners to be able to conserve the ecology and the nature of the city as much as they have to plan the city (Ibrahim 2004). When one observes these factors more diligently and with concern, they are usually able to get better result when it comes in term of the aesthetic value of the city through the use of the natural resource around them. Having looked at aspects to be considered generally by any of urban planners in the world, the paper will now concentrate on the process followed in the urban planning focusing Cairo city in Egypt. In this, the paper will be more specific some of issues such as the people responsible for the judgment creation during the planning process, the position of the final decision, the impact that these decision have on the communities that are usually excluded from the planning process, the level and ratios of power among the communities in the city, the relationship that exists between the decision makers and the affected group of individual in the city and lastly it will look at how these planning decision affect the community at large. Planning process These are the general steps used as guidelines or the fundamentals, techniques and apparatus to be used by any planner in any local authority. This gives the schemer the ability to attain a strength and sustainable city planning in the region. None the less, one has to remember that, each city or has its own way of planning their urban area. Basically, there are 21 steps that many of the planners tend to use but this has been comprised into 6six steps that will be discussed in the paper. As this is discussed, one has to remember that each of the steps being discussed needs contribution and participation of different individual that may indicate their administration planning scheme and political background. Before starting off their steps in planning process, the participants involved in the process has to concur on some of the key fundamentals such as the equity to be observed during the process, the incorporated approach, corporation and associations, the responsibility of each of the member, the encouragement of heath in the city and the compassionate to the environment together with many more elements that the group may find it of help to be observed. Creating of partnership This is the first step that any city to be planned has to observe, at this stage, the city identifies the people that will be involved in the planning process together with the responsibilities of each of the member of the group. It is at this stage that the corporation and tactical alliances are made possible by an institution so as to ensure that the benefits of the group of people at large are justified in the process. None the less, it is at this step that the member in the planning establishes the way in which they would be able to communicate to the community for their participation in the process. Basically, the key concept of this step is to come up with the objectives that the group aims to achieve at the end of urban planning and create their scope of work that they will take part in it. Understanding the city to be planned At this stage, the participants tend to evaluate the subject to be addressed during the process, in this they have to come up with the general overview of the city in term of the population, the surrounding of the area and the health status of the city. They have to establish the employment unemployment ratio in the city as this will help them in getting the clear view of the usage and density in the city. Focusing to the Objectives The participants have to be able to analyze their advantages together with disadvantages that they might experience during the process. They have to involve the community so that they can be offered with the chance to present their views on what they think have to be done to accomplish the task at hand. With this, they will be able to get different ideas from different people that will assist them in establishing the future plan of the city. Strategic planning Having attained the goals together with their strengths and weaknesses, they will have to set the limit of work to be achieved at a given period of time. In this, they will have to come up with proper programme to be used during the process. Implementation This is the crucial stage in this process as it involves the actual work planned for. It is mainly concerned with establishment of valuable constitution and planning relations that will help them in achieving their goal after the set period of time. Other than that, the stage is also concerned with creation of internal auditing committee that will be responsible with the financial matters of the city planning together with creation of the method that they will put in use so as to aid them in the observing the progress of the task on the ground. Attaining Reaction This is the final stage within the process whereby the participants have to come up with the way in which they will be able to trap the reactions of the community as regard to the implementation of their decisions. At the same time, they will have to create or establish the strategy that they will use in the evaluation of their level of performance as well as the progress of the process. Having looked at the basic process of urban planning, the paper will now concentrate on the key issues to be addressed as regard to the people involved in the planning in Cairo city in Egypt. People Involved in the Decision Making for the Planning Process During the planning process in Cairo, the decisions normally come from two basic participants. These are the four of the ministries in the city and the public agencies that are involved with the planning procedures to be implemented. Basing on the ministries involved, the Office of housing those are usually responsible for the construction developments needed for the improvement of the national financial status in the city (Ismail, 2006, pp 4-6). In this, they concentrate on the public structures, infrastructures projects and housing within different level of financial status in the environment. Office of security is concerned with the boundary around the city and how they can be able to maintain the security within the city. Office of Awqaf has all the authority over the owner of land within the city as well as the developers in the city. Office of tourism helps the member in the planning process to plan for the tourism in the city. In this they tend to give views on the ways in which the aesthetic value of the city may be maintained so as to invite in more tourists in the city to improve its financial status. The public organizations are usually involved with the safeguarding of the historical spots in the city. Some of these organizations include the Awaqf power, administrator and the board for fortification of historical spots and structures. Final Authority in Decision Making Basing on the decision made by the participants, they usually depend on the final decision from the central government in the country. They have been granted with the powers to alter the decision made by the local units in the city as regard to the urban planning if they think the decision may hamper with the policy in the country. Impact of the Decision to the Community Excluded from the Planning Process Over the years, it has been noted that, some of the communities in the city face some challenges in their stay at the place. This has been as result to the assumption to the views they offer to the decision makers for planning process of the city. Due to this, they have been noted to face some of the security problem and poor environment to their surrounding. They have found themselves staying in some of the slum areas in the city because they can not access the good environment in the city. Level of Power for the Communities Basing to the fact that it’s an Arab country, the city is highly populated with the Muslims with low rate of Christians. To this idea, it has been known that the views of the Muslims are considered more as those from the Christian community in the city (Jakarta, 2006). As regard to this, the Islamic communities are seen to have more power and authority to the decision making to the Cairo planning process. How the Planning Decision Affect the Community Basing on the decision made on the Cairo urban planning, it has resulted in division of the city into two major parts in term of the religions in the city. It has been noted that, the Islamic community have been allocated with greater piece of land where as the Christians in the society have been offered with the further region from the main city for their stay in the city. Conclusion In conclusion, we can then say that, the urban planning process followed in Cairo city is almost same as that discussed above in the paper. In this we then say that for better and effective planning of any city; one has to observe the aspects of planning as well as the fundamentals for the process during their planning. Reference Bonine M E Brass D (1994) The Middle Eastern City Islamic Urbanism Geographische Abhandlungen Dummlerbuch Vol 91University Of Michigan Ferd Dummlers Verlag p 217 Ibrahim A M (2004) Center of Planning Architecture Studies Retrieved 21st March 2009 from http://www.cpas-egypt. com/ENG/chairman_eng. htm Ismail S (2006) Political Life in Cairos New Quarters Encountering the Everyday State U of Minnesota Press pp 4-6 Jakarta M H (2006) Cairo Urban Planning Model Retrieved 21st March 2009 from file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/admin/Desktop/cairo. htm United Nations Centre for Human Settlements Nations United Centre of Contributor United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (1993) Metropolitan Planning Management in Developing World Spatial Decentralization Policy in Bombay Cairo UN-HABITAT Publisher pp 118-142
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Lord Of The Flies: Chapter 8
The Lord Of The Flies: Chapter 8 Lord Of The Flies Chapter 8 Goldings Lord Of The Flies is based on an island after the second world war. Through-out the novel, Golding treats the island as a microcosm of the war. Within this is microcosm, the island commences as a utopia but it is not until chapter 8 when it gradually evolves into a dystopia as the ultimate battle for jealousy and power breaks out. The modification and degradation in certain characters behaviour from their normal life of civilization makes chapter 8 key to Goldings Lord Of The Flies . It is the main chapter in which democracy is demolished, savagery kicks in and the definitive chapter in which Simon has the ultimate encounter with the Lord Of The Flies. I will explore Goldings use of symbolism, plot, imagery, language, Christian morals, setting, themes and story structure as well as the novels overall historical context to establish the fact that chapter 8 is the most significant chapter to the novel as a whole. This is the vital episode in which Ralph experiences difficulties dealing with the beast. He acknowledges its existence and in doing so spreads fear amongst the other boys. This is illustrated when Ralph portrays the beast as having teeth and big black eyes. Ralph instantly decides that fighting the beast is not an option; leaving the boys with no alternative than to hide from the beast and live under its shadow. Ralphs fear about the beast is conveyed in his own words for the preliminary time in chapter 8, expressing the chapters great magnitude and relevance. As evidenced in the above quotations, it is in chapter 8 that the beast is embellished and made to seem scarier than reality, again showing the chapters eloquence. This powerful section centres on Ralphs pessimism which contributes to his poor management of the beast. He does not appreciate that the littluns take him seriously and visualise the news as a sign for panic. Ralph explains, I dont think wed ever fight a thing that size, honestly, you know. Wed talk, but we wouldnt fight a tiger. Wed hide. Even Jack ud hide. Ralphs apathy is conveyed because he makes himself believe that his hopes are slim. From Ralphs language, the reader and other characters become under the impression that the beast is huge and can not be fought. Here, the key notion which makes chapter 8 substantial is that Ralph injects pain and fear into the unstable community instead of calming them. Ralphs priority is evacuating the island rather than confronting the beast. This is illustrated when Ralph says As long as theres light were brave enough. But then? And now that thing squats by the fire as though it didnt want us to be rescued So we cant have a signal fire Were beaten. The reader comprehends the boys inability of coping with darkness because of their strong fear of the beast. Little do the boys know, that the beast is living inside them like a parasite which can not live on its own but is in need of a host to live in. This is momentous to chapter 8 because we learn that Ralphs desire is not to stay on the island or integrate himself into the island in order to avoid mingling with the beast. Throughout chapter 8, the conch acts as a symbol of authority and order. At the beginning of the chapter, the conch glimmered among the trees. This is pivotal to chapter 8 because the glimmering of the conch confirms its importance and the way it stands out in nature, symbolises how right actions stand out from wrong actions. From the beginning of the book, the conch takes the place of civilization and democracy which are clearly two social aspects which the island lacks after the destruction of the conch. It is because of the conchs destruction or in other words the destruction of authority, that degradation and an uncivilized atmosphere are the shocking result. Jack blows the conch and calls a meeting at the start of chapter 8. This makes the chapter especially significant because normally, Jack has a certain disregard for the rules but however it is in this chapter that he uses the conch and applies the rules for his own benefit. Jack makes negative comments in the meeting about Ralph like, Ralph said my hunters are no good, Hes like piggyhe isnt a proper chiefhes a coward himself Hes not a hunter. Hed never have got us meat He just gives orders and expects people to obey for nothing, He competes with Ralph for leadership, which is unmistakably a direct challenge and describes Ralph as not a prefect which is the last reference to the boys previous school life. This is especially portrayed in chapter 8 because Jack attempts undermining Ralph in order to attract the littluns to his own life style. He also capitalises on the appearance of the beast, although he himself is scared of its shadowy presence too. However, he realises that the grou ps faith in Ralph is ever decreasing because of the fear and instability of the beast on the island. Jack reacts very violently to the beast, but does not aim his anger at the beast; instead he aims it at Ralphs leadership and at hunting. He has bloodlust and loves to hunt and kill, the food is merely a by-product of the adrenaline that it gives him to hunt, chase and kill another animal. He has passed his passion onto his hunters. This is predominantly shown in the chapter when Golding mentions that, The hunters followed, wedded to her in lust, excited by the long chase and the dropped blood This is particularly pivotal to chapter 8 because he uses the possibility of pacifying the beast as a way of seducing the boys to what he wants them to do. He uses the promise of exciting hunting, brilliant feasts and most of all, the promise that the beast will not bother them and the promise that the beast will cease to be a constant point of fear for the boys. Simon has a diverse reaction to the beast compared to the other boys in the novel. This is especially expressed in chapter 8 because it is when Simon instinctively knows that the beast is something that has manifested itself in the heads, hearts and minds of the boys, giving them a focus for their fear. He endeavours to disprove the beasts existence by climbing the mountain and discovering what it was that Ralph and Jack saw; I thought there might be something to do, something we- again the pressure of the assembly took his voice away I think we ought to climb the mountain What else is there to do? Simon climbs the mountain and his theory is proven, when he locates a dead parachutist and encounters the pigs head. This attests that Simons predictions about the existence of a physical beast were right. This is crucial to chapter 8 because Simons Christ-like figure is revealed. The imperative confrontation between Simon and the Lord of the Flies takes place in chapter 8 showing the chapters even greater magnitude. When Simon confronts the Lord of the Flies, it is just a pigs head on a stick, which Jack had stuck into the ground in Simons special retreat. However, when Simon is speaking to it he doesnt see it as a pigs head; he interprets it as evil. When the Lord of the Flies is talking to Simon, the dialogue is like a schoolmaster is telling him off. You are a silly little boy just a silly ignorant little boy. The Lord Of The Flies intentionally talks in this manner to try overpowering Simons thoughts and mind and acts as if he knows better. The pigs head then progresses by instructing Simon to go and socialise with the other boys, or they will think he is crazy. Youd better run off and play with the others. You dont want Ralph to think youre batty, do you? Overall, in this vital episode, The Lord of the Flies starts forcing Simon into thinking that no one on the island likes him. This is principally illustrated in chapter 8 because the Lord of the Flies tries to affect Simons thoughts by making him socialise with the evil boys. The beast attempts taking control of Simon by saying, There isnt anyone to help you. Only me. And Im the Beast. Simons reaction to this is to shout insults at the pigs head. Pigs head on a stick! This confirms that Simon understands that this is all it is. The Lord Of The Flies attempts gaining Simons obedience. This is ironic because it is similar to what happens to Jesus, making chapter 8 religiously momentous as well. Subsequently, the Lord of the Flies informs Simon that he cant kill it. The beast sarcastically says, Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! This section is even more relevant because the Lord Of The Flies tries to embed its presence inside Simons head by declaring its state of immortality. The island itself, particularly chapter 8, functions as a kind of Garden of Eden that is gradually corrupted by the introduction of evil. The Lord of the Flies may be seen as a symbol for the devil, since it works to promote evil among mankind. An example of this is when the Lord of the Flies tells Simon to, Get back to the others. This promotes evil because the other boys evil will affect Simon. Chapter 8 is very considerable because it is when Simon is faced with the ethical reality of the novel and is killed sacrificially as a consequence of having discovered the truth. In chapter 8, Golding conveys that Simons life has strong parallels with that of Jesus which is a very pivotal part of the chapter. His conversation with the Lord of the Flies mirrors the confrontation between Christ and the devil in Christian theology. There are unfortunate consequences to Simons death in that the island is thrown into a deeper network of misery and unhappiness. The beast says to Simon, Arent you afraid of me? and You dont want Ralph to think youre batty do you? Simons wisdom is portrayed through the concept that he does not believe and act by the beasts words, indicating the importance and great significance of chapter 8 to the novel. To conclude, Chapter 8 is key to Goldings Lord Of The Flies because it is where the instability of Jack, Piggy and Ralph an the island is conveyed. This has strong comparisons with peoples physical and emotional feelings during World War 2. Additionally, being under immense pressure of the gradual immersion of a dystopia, some of the boys like Ralph loose control but others like Jack capitalise on the fear of the littluns. This is echoed in the war when Hitler capitalises on the fear of the other countries and the public. Golding also conveys the notion of fear in chapter 8 making the chapter significant. The chapter is also prophetic because of Simons death. Finally, Golding explains the divisions within the group of children as a symbol of destruction of order and authority. This originates from the biblical reference of Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to destruction. (Mathew 12.25) The above points tie together to prove the chapters eloquence to the novel as a whol e.
Federalist versus Antifederalists Essays -- American government, Polit
From the birth of our Republic, Federalists and Antifederalist debated the nature of democracy and representation. One argument involved competing views of â€Å"communities of interest†and the nature of representation. Federalists desired a strong national government ruled by the political elite. Leaders should be isolated from the public and focus on making broad decisions at the national level. Antifederalists favor promotion of local interests through likeminded congressional representation. Government should be as close to the people as possible and representatives’ actions should be based on their constituent’s wishes. Political compromises were reached as demonstrated in the constitution and subsequent composition of congress. The debate concerning the nature of democracy and representation continues today, reflected in the differing and competing goals of redistricting, in part due to the vague nature and wording within the constitution. Both Fe deralist and Antifederalist views are reflected in modern politics however American politics has consistently moved towards an Antifederalist ideology since the decline in power of political parties. For the Antifederalists, â€Å"communities of interest†have a narrow definition, one which is both geographically and interest specific. Government should be close to the people; with direct democracy impractical, representation becomes necessary (FF 7, p.43). For representation to be accurate congressmen should reflect the local communities they represent; a large number of representatives with small constituencies are necessary to insure individual interests are entertained. Small constituencies provide a more intimate relationship; an increase in personal knowledge and communal... ...t government should be more accessible and is too far removed from the public. Evidence shows that congressmen are concerned with staying connected to districts and invest considerable time and energy being visible and available publically. Racial gerrymandering has provided unique descriptive representation opportunities but at the expense of historical geographic voting communities. People hate congress but love their incumbent due to a committee system which generally rewards seniority and personalized constituent services. The high reelection rate has resulted in the institutional memory desired by Federalists while partisan gerrymandering has made political seats safer on both sides of the isle. Both sides are partially represented in 21st Century politics but neither the Federalists nor Antifederalist would consider our current political climate ideal.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Bless Me Ultima: The Growing Up Of A Young Boy Essay -- Bless Ultima E
Bless me Ultima: The Growing up of a Young Boy      Throughout the book Bless me Ultima, Tony, the young main character in the story, lost his innocence when exposed to the harsh world since he learned what life is really like. Ultima is a good witch who tries to guide Tony by teaching him morals and lessons. Narsico is percieved as the town drunk, but is a good person. Tenorio is the demon in this story, as he wants to destroy Ultima. This book is about Tony's experience in adjusting to the rough world at a relatively young age.      Narsico's death with Tenorio's desire to kill Tony made him realize his limitations and acknowledge the reality. Before these incidents, Tony imagined he could control incidents that happened in real life. He thought he could effect events in life in a posotive way. After these events and experiences with people, Tony realizes that good people get bad things. When Tony was playing a game with his peers in which he was the priest, he forgave his freind, Florence, for his sins, even though he stood up to all his peers to do so. When Tony ran 10 miles home to warn Ultima, a kind whitch about Tenorio, whose desire is to destroy her spirit, he realized he or Ultima could both be exterminated. During the run, Tony thought of the future, which he hardly thought of before this event. Almost every child Tony's age was preoccupied with activities, such as playing and horsing around, and certainly not thinking what the future could...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Jack Londons Attitude Towards Life in the Short Story, The Law of Life
Jack London's Attitude Towards Life in the Short Story, "The Law of Life" Jack London, real name John Griffith Chaney, is well known "American novelist and short story writer, born in California" (Merriam Webster's Encyclopedia of Literature 629). London's short story "The Law of Life" was first published in Mc Clure's Magazine in 1901. "It was one of his first stories written around the time at which London had just discovered that this way of writing made the biggest impression on the reader."(Tenant 1) One of the most effective elements is that the main character of the story is an old Indian, named Koskoosh. He is left by his tribe and his relatives, with nothing but a fire and some wood to keep it burning for few hours. He was sitting by the fire and thinking about his youth, remembering certain moments of his life. In this story one may found London?s attitude towards life as a phenomenon which must be undergone by every living being in this world. London calls it ?the law of life? (London 956). And the law of life is aging and death.      First thing which can be treated as a kind of "the law of life" is a circle of life. The circle of life begins when a man is born and ends with his/her death. Koskoosh thinks of the leaves turning in autumn from green to brown, of young girls that grow more and more attractive until they find a man, raise children and slowly grow ugly by age and labor. Koskoosh gives an example of a young woman, whom he calls ?maiden?: ?A maiden was a good creature to look upon, full-breasted and strong, with spring to her step and light in her eyes. But her task was yet before her.? (London 958). The picture of this woman is being portrayed at her youth when she is still nice, strong and with ?light in her eyes? (London 958). She would grow up and she would take a husband. ?And with the coming of her offspring her looks left her. Her limbs dragged and shuffled, her eyes dimmed and bleared, and only the little children found joy against the withered cheek of the old squaw by the fire.? (London 958) She is not an exception. This woman gets older until she reaches such age when she becomes uninteresting and expendable for other people. And finally, ?her task was done? (London 958). Koskoosh equates her end of life with his current condition: ?she would be left, even as he had been left, in the snow, with a little pile o... ...d by every living being in the world. This author?s attitude is clearly seen from the very beginning of the story when old Koskoosh felt that he was already ?very close to death? (London 956), until the last sentence of the story: ?Was it not the law of life?? (London 961). Of course one should not forget that London writes about the far north, and as he points out himself in many stories, the rules in the far north are very different from those of any other region. The Indian custom of letting the old man die alone is not criticized by London, because this custom was a necessity for the surviving of the tribe. London only emphasizes that ?the law of life? is one and irrevocable. One may call it the circle of life or the eternal struggle for living, but the end of our life, that is death, is the same for everyone. Works Cited London, Jack. ?The Law of Life?. Eds. Ronald I. Gottesman, et al. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Vol 2. New York: WW Norton and Company, 1979. Merriam-Webster?s Encyclopedia of Literature. Massachusetts: Merriam-Webster, Incorporated, 1995 Tenant, Roy. "Who was Jack London?" 18 February 2005
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Reality Television Stereotypes Essay
James A. Forbes once said, â€Å"When people rely on surface appearances and false racial stereotypes, rather than in-depth knowledge of others at the heart, mind and spirit, their ability to assess and understand people accurately is compromised. †Over time, our generation has watched reality television develop into one of the most sumptuous prodigies of our time. From â€Å"Bad Girls Club†to â€Å"Basketball Wives†reality television has maneuvered itself into our everyday infrastructures. Reality television has had a catastrophic effect on reasoning, education, and society. To start with, reality television depicts its cast as â€Å"real people†, or a group of people archetypally found in the real world as they take on roles that delineate parts of the population dealing in race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, etc. As reality television characterizes misrepresentations, this becomes important for educational and societal ameliorations. Secondly, reality television was found to be main stream and refines stable images after some of its own. Many heavy viewers of television believe the world to be more ungovernable than it is in truth. This is known as the â€Å"cultivation theory†and what is does is test trends in the culture of our society. It broadens the capacity of enrichment by studying the apprehension of stereotypes in reality television. Explained better, the popularity and upheavals correlated with reality television make it an affluent source of education exploration, but in light of what reality television claims to be it makes such educational examinations rather imperative. Moreover, reality television in relation with the aforementioned cultivation theory, the stereotypes presented on reality television of associations (racial, ethnic) may harm the overall mannerly intellection of these associations. Because these shows are shows that are supposed to be a representation of the real world, they have a greater impact on society, and while they emphasize cliched effigies, they therefore give the audience a viewpoint saying that what they see is real. Taking â€Å"Jersey Shore†into examination, the Italian-Americans are seen as loud, pornographic, fractious, obnoxious and overall atrocious quadrupeds, well, to their Italian brethren. In America, one can think that they would be seen as party idols, but shortly after arriving to Italy, they were publically shamed and disowned but the society that surrounded them. Some people might say that these types of shows address the issues the famous face off of the red carpet and on the red carpet. While this may be true, many reality television stars have found the intrusion into their most private matters disheartening and it is not uncommon to see them slowly fade away from the beaming spotlight. Stereotypes are a very touchy subject and can lead into many forms of bigotry and illiberality. Although stereotypes can be used in positive ways to appeal to the certain and right audiences in commercials and advertisements, we must wonder if the conspicuous aggrandizement and affirmation of them should be acceptable in the things we let our kids and ourselves watch. We must also consider the factors that the dangerous stereotypes can affect when looking at this subject, the education factors, the societal factors and lastly, the logical/reasoning factors.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Food for Thought Essay
As of 2005, hunger continues to be a worldwide problem. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, â€Å"850 million people worldwide were undernourished in 1999 to 2005, the most recent years for which figures are available†and the number of hungry people has recently been increasing. The official poverty rate in the U. S. has increased for four consecutive years, from a 26-year low of 11. 3% in 2000 to 12. 7% in 2004. This means that 37. 0 million people were below the official poverty thresholds in 2004. This is 5. 4 million more than in 2000. The poverty rate for children under 18 increased from 16. 2% to 17. 8% over that period. Poverty is the state of being without the necessities of daily living, often associated with need, hardship and lack of resources across a wide range of circumstances. For some, poverty is a subjective and comparative term; for others, it is moral and evaluative; and for others, scientifically established. That is why it is so important to start a Food and Clothing program. This program will be funded by the church and it members, but benefit the community. Non church member would be able to reap the benefits from this program as well as church members. There is no such program in the other sister congregations that are affiliated with us. By instituting a program of this nature to the community. We will assist in reducing the fight against hunger. The food distribution program will be a place where food is offered to the poor for free. The project objective would to meet the needs of the community by filling there physically need as well as there spiritual needs. The mission is to provide food and fellowship, to feed the hungry in body and spirit. Also we would like for all the members of the congregation to assist in donating to the needs of others. By provide food items, toiletries and clothing they no longer want or need. Contribution will be tax deductible. The assumptions that can be made is that we are only funding this program to gain membership to the church. It can be said more members the more money coming into the church. Other assumptions are that we may want to play self-righteous. This project may be more than the church can handle alone. All department of the church should be involved especially food preparation. The minister, secretary, treasure deacons, elders, food committee and any volunteers. The risk involve are the lack of volunteers, the limited amount of donations. The element this program may attract, such as the drug, and alcohol abusers. There will be those seeking drug treatment, counseling, housing and etc. If we do not provide these things do we stand a chance of losing that person because we can not meet all that persons needs? The participates could abuse the program; by falsify information, health issues, food poisoning or spoilage. This program has never been done before and is much needed in this community. This is a much need program in this community for it is a rural farming community. Not many people have access to transportation and many are elderly, sick and shut-in. No one should go to bed hungry. The idea is to provide food to needy people. Food would be distributed freely; the receipts would be required to fill out information sheet. We will reach other receipt through referrals and meet and greets in the neighborhood. There are no food program in the town in which I live the need is a great one. There are food pantries but no food program We will provide those in need with food and with fellowship, responding to all with humanity and respect. The food distribution program will provide needy families with groceries on a weekly basis for meal preparation at home. In this community we want to make life better for low-income and needy individuals and families. By establishing this needed program in the community. We plan to help families and individual in poor nutritional status gain stability, good health and dignity. The goal is to meets the needs of the hungry in this community. Feed their physical need as well as their spiritual needs. Budget. 2 years with a million dollar budget, with donations for church members and all in-kind donations, (donations include, food, clothing, money and counseling) Overhead cost – The is no rent because the program is using the church building which is paid in full. Office supplies are going to average out to be about $ 500 dollars a year. There will be cost for new equipment, and health and liability insurance. Which I will allocate $100,000 dollars toward. Salaries most of the staff will be volunteers, but we are looking at about 50,000 dollars allocated toward salaries Miscellaneous Costs 100,000 Total budget of 1 millions dollars. The project objective is to feed the poor and disadvantage for as long as we can. Feeding the physical as well as meeting the spiritual needs of the people. This will be an ongoing program with a budget of 2 million dollars for 2 years. We will solict donations from community member such as Restaurants, grocery stores. We will start to gain potential clients from data bases from human service agencies, WIC, and health care centers. Posting flyers and mailing out flyers. We are looking into starting this program which we will name Food For Thought. A target time to start will be in 4 months starting with an Easter Dinner for the community. Hours of operation are Sunday in between Sunday services 12:00 p. m. to 5:00 p. m. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday five days a week from the hours of 10:00 a. m to 6:00 p. m. â€Å"We need to raise community awareness on hunger and raise community participation,†Duffield said. â€Å"We are calling upon religious organizations, business and civic groups such as Scouts and service clubs especially, because this is where we have the best skilled volunteers. †Duffield said many at the table were homeless people who normally eat at shelters in the downtown area, but there were also people fed who are not homeless. â€Å"It’s just awesome to see all of these organizations united in a focused effort,†he said. â€Å"Every American deserves a place at the table,†said Carol Trahan, a volunteer with Second Harvest. She pointed out that about 14 percent of the population in Northeast Tennessee lives at or below the poverty line. About a quarter of that population often has to choose between buying food or paying rent, more than a third had unexpected expenses and little or no money left for food. That means almost half has skipped a meal or gone to bed hungry, and more than half worries about running out of food before their next paycheck or food stamp allotment. Individuals, organizations and businesses can help by donating food, donating money, volunteering help or becoming an agency identifying an unserved area of the community. * Of the 475,000 people living in Tennessee’s eight northeastern most counties, U. S. Census figures show 14 percent, or about 68,000 people, live in poverty. The figures equate to more than one in five Northeast Tennessee children with families at or below the federal poverty line. * According to the state Department of Education, more than 30,000 children attending public schools in the region qualify for government subsidized meals at schools. * At 15 schools in the region, more than 75 percent of the student body is eligible for free or reduced-cost meals. * Of the more than 200 hunger relief agencies served by Second Harvest of Northeast Tennessee, 30 agencies are designed exclusively for children. Food Bank director Rhonda Chafin said hunger is more prone to go unnoticed in rural areas like Northeast Tennessee than in larger cities where homelessness is more visible. â€Å"In rural communities like ours, people sometimes don’t think about hunger because they can’t see it,†she said. â€Å"It’s the working poor†who most often seek help from the agencies Second Harvest works with, Chafin said. â€Å"They may not be homeless, but they do struggle and their children do miss meals at home because they are struggling just to pay their bills. †The hope is to receive more than 3. 4 million pounds of food. We will also seek a contract with The Pampered Chef to receive donations of $ 918. 45 worth of food once a week. This will be a year-long campaign to benefit the food program. The Pampered Chef is a direct seller of kitchen tools nationwide. Over $7. 5 million dollars have been donated to such programs in the past. â€Å"According to America’s Second Harvest, more than 33 million people in America are food insecure,†said Julie Christopher, vice president and spokesperson for The Pampered Chef. â€Å"There are children, the elderly and working poor who must choose between paying for food or for utility and housing costs, medicine and other necessities. â€Å"These people in need are the reason we at The Pampered Chef are so passionate about raising money. Everyday in Northeast Tennessee hundreds of men, women and children depend on soup kitchens for a hot meal. Each person or family has a different circumstance, a different reason for needing assistance with food. Whatever the reason, hunger in Northeast Tennessee is a reality. The Second Helpings Food Rescue program of Second Harvest Food Bank is there to help. ______What is Prepared & Perishable Food Rescue? We will use, perishable food prepared by, but not used by, commercial donors to hunger relief agencies in the community. Wholesome food that would have otherwise been disposed of by restaurants, caterers and other vendors will be now able to be donated directly to our program. We will in turn provide food for hungry men, women and children in our region program How does the Program Work? Using a refrigerated truck and industrial food containers, Madison County FP will picks up perishable food from food service providers and transports it to local soup kitchens and other agencies that serve meals directly to those in need. Second Helpings operates under the safe food handling guidelines approved by the Tennessee Department of Health. How does Second Helpings benefit the community†¦ It reduces the dependence on public funds It decreases feeding agencies operational expenses Permits more efficient use of the charity’s staff and volunteer time It feeds the hungry Over 250,000 pounds of food rescued annually Serving an estimated 2,000 individuals each week How you can help†¦ Volunteers will be need to help pick up and deliver food; make monetary donation; ask restaurants to donate food; Food for thought will be sponsored by†¦ Proctor and Gamble Martha White The Pampered Chef Reggies Kappa’s Steak House. Jumbo Buffet Food for thought would also like to develop a mobile food bank program that has deliveries. We would have a refr truck deliver to the elderly, shut in and those unable to get to the church. We would also reach out to those individuals living in public housing communities throughout the region. This will prevent items from going to waste. Before you begin, you may want to look up the amounts of your income (wages, SSI, social security, VA payments, child support), rent or mortgage, utility bills, day care expenses, and medical bills (if you are 60 or older, or disabled). This information will be needed for the tool to work. For the past several months, we have seen repeated footage of hungry Afghan refugees on television news. These images of hungry people in faraway places touch and disturb us, but for many of us they also seem distant and far from our own reality. Maybe that’s because hunger in America is largely invisible. There are no pictures of distended stomachs and hollow eyes among America’s hungry. In the United States, we have practically eliminated starvation and malnutrition. There are, however, children whose only meal of the day is a school lunch, seniors who do not have enough to eat for several days at the end of the month until their Social Security check arrives, and families who stretch the income of several part-time jobs to pay for rent, utilities, transportation and medical bills with little to spare for wholesome food. Yet, hunger is real and, in fact growing. Hunger in America 2001 has four primary objectives: provide a comprehensive profile of the nature of hunger in the U. S.; compare date between the 1997 study and the 2001 study to identify trends; provide extensive demographic profiles of emergency food clients at feeding agencies and the efficacy of those programs to meet the need; and provide comprehensive demographic information about hunger and the charitable response to hunger in local communities. Demographics †¢74% of clients at food pantries are women – a disproportionate number †¢24% are households with single parents †¢63% of single parent households have children under age 18 †¢39% of two-parent households have children under 18. †¢29% of households have a family member over age 65 †¢26% of the clients are the elderly – people who compromise good health with weaker immune systems or more alarming symptoms of illness such as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure due to poor nutrition Food Stamps Hunger in our communities has remained at a high level even though food stamp and welfare rolls have decreased. As a result of obtaining low-income employment, many families formerly receiving welfare still cannot provide both shelter and food for family members. Most mistakenly believe they are no longer eligible for food stamps. †¢25% of clients are using the food stamp nutrition program, while more than 70% are income eligible for the food stamp nutrition program that would help provide more food for their families. †¢In Nevada, only half those eligible for food stamps are using the program, often due to red tape, language problems or complex eligibility requirements. The State of Nevada application for assistance is 11 pages in length. †¢Most people who use food stamps report benefit levels of 70 cents per meal are inadequate and often last only two weeks or less. Even if all who are eligible do apply and receive benefits, the need will continue to exceed the resources without reform. Food Insecurity Nearly three fourths of all those who sought food assistance in 2001 were â€Å"food insecure. †These are people who meet a standard government definition of hungry or at risk of hunger. Food insecurity means regularly not having food or the money to buy enough food. Among all clients of the Food Bank of Northern Nevada, 73. 5% are classified as food insecure and 65. 6% are food insecure with hunger. Among families with children, 69. 2% are food insecure and 59. 6% experience hunger, with almost half of adults reporting that they missed meals due to lack of food. Most families with children provide the food to children with adults skipping meals when food is scarce. Many clients must choose between food and necessities: †¢42% choose between paying for food and paying for utilities or heating fuel. †¢42% must choose between buying food and paying rent/mortgage †¢Local and state officials can help by increasing access to child nutrition programs such as the Summer Food Service Program, the Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), and the School Breakfast and Lunch Programs. Municipalities and states can also help by supporting the work of food banks and food rescue programs in local communities. Hunger is a solvable problem. As this report makes clear, however, food banks and food pantries cannot solve the problem alone. Beyond the public-private partnership through which corporations and individuals make contributions of food for distribution to needy individuals, public policies can help end hunger in our lifetimes. †¢Federal nutrition programs – particularly the Food Stamp program and child nutrition programs – are an essential part of the food assistance safety net. †¢Less than a third of people nationally and one fourth of people in Nevada who turn to charity are receiving food stamps, while more than three fourths are income eligible. †¢Food stamp proposals recently passed in the U. S. Senate strengthen the Food Stamp program and increase funding for food stamps and commodity donations. †¢Local and state officials can help by increasing access to child nutrition programs such as Summer Food and School Breakfast, and by supporting the work of food banks and food rescue programs in local communities. AT THIS TIME. Forty six percent of pantries, a third of kitchens and 45% of shelters report increases since 1998 in the number of people they serve. Food banks are by far the single most important source of food for most food bank member agencies, accounting for 68% of the food used by pantries and two thirds of the food used by shelters. Locally, food pantries provided 1,306,360 pounds of food, particularly staple and high value nutritional items, to more than 24,000 different individuals in 2001; this accounts for 65% of the total amount of food distributed by the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. †The Food Bank is reporting low levels of food resources needed to assist hungry people through the year. â€Å"The emergency food pantries and shelters we supply with food need help all year long. The 2. 3 million pounds of food we distribute annually may not be enough to meet the needs of the newly jobless along with people who experience food insecurity every winter when the utility bills and medical expenses increase,†said Cherie Jamason, Food Bank CEO. While help at the holidays is great, long-term help will be needed for the 70,000 people in Nevada who have lost jobs or had hours cut back due to the slumping economy in the last year. News Relehttp://www. fbn Donate now with our Virtual Holiday Food Drive Fill out our on-line donation form here! The Food Bank of Northern Nevada is grateful for support from a wide range of organizations and individuals in the community and across the region. Private foundations and corporate gifts and sponsorships provide significant funding for programs such as Kids Cafe, food distribution and child nutrition. While critical to our mission, these major gifts alone are not enough. It takes donations from individuals and local businesses within our community to keep the Food Bank working, day in and day out, throughout the year. Grants will help Food Bank and partners reach out In recent months, the Food Bank has applied for and received some significant grants that will increase our ability and that of our partner agencies to serve hungry populations in Nevada. The Food Bank has received several significant grants recently: †¢$25,000 from the Antioch Company. †¢$50,000 from the E. L. Cord Foundation †¢$125,000 from the McCabe Foundation †¢$60,000 from the Nell J. Redfield Foundation †¢$20,000 from the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation †¢$7,500 from the Terry Lee Wells Foundation for the Back-pack Kids Program †¢A 26-foot refrigerated truck valued at $110,000-$120,000 from the 2006 ConAgra Feeding Children Better Rapid Food Distribution Program to be delivered sometime during 2006. Approximately 55% of our operating budget comes from private foundations, individual donations and special events. The Food Bank depends on donations to fund everyday functions, from keeping the roof over our head to delivering food resources to the agencies that we support. With an estimated 33. 6 million Americans in danger of going hungry and more than 49,000 at risk locally in Northern Nevada, hunger is a problem that affects us all. At the Food Bank of Northern Nevada we take community investments as far as we can and monetary donations go even further. $1 dollar translates into 4 meals for the needy. $25 will provide food for 5 families for 3 to 4 days. $50 will distribute 270 pounds of food to agencies serving hungry people. $100 will provide 3 to 5 days of emergency food to more than 50 people. We are able to distribute enough food for 4 meals with every dollar donated! There are many ways for people to join The Food Bank in our mission to end hunger. Make a financial contribution to the Food Bank and your donation goes a long way. Ask us about a regular pledge program, electronic fund transfers, bequests and honorariums or memorials. Major contributions specifically dedicated to support special events or programs like the Food for the Soul Concerts, Kids Cafe and other activities help increase the effectiveness of our fundraising efforts and provide more resources to the community. Varied, fun ways to give: Pampered Chef’s Round-Up from the Heart ® gives all year! Pampered Chef Consultants have support a program to invite their customers to round up their purchase totals to the nearest dollar or more to benefit America’s Second Harvest food banks in their region. When you place your order with a Pampered Chef Kitchen Consultant, the Food Bank of Northern Nevada will receive your Round-Up dollars. Thank you, Karen Munson, for sharing this great program with us! Contribute at the grocery store! Albertsons links Community Partners Card to Albertsons Sav-on Preferred Savings Card Recently, we’ve mentioned that Kids Cafe has been included in the Albertsons Community Partners Card program as an authorized partner. Now, Albertsons has just announced that shoppers who use an Albertsons Sav-on Preferred Savings Card can register the Food Bank of Northern Nevada for additional donations. Albertsons will distribute up to $2. 4 million among the partners in the northern California and Reno markets through July 2005. Partners can receive up to 4 percent of each shopper’s Albertsons Sav-On Preferred Savings Card purchases. The Food Bank has set a goal of $25,000 as part of this new fundraising program. If you have an Albertsons Community Partners Card, simply present your card along with your Preferred Savings Card for scanning at checkout during your next shopping trip at Albertsons or Sav-On Drugs. Or go to www. albertsons. com, click on â€Å"In The Community†then click on the Community Partners logo link. Once you log in, click on â€Å"Sign me up. †You may also fill out the form included on page 11 of this newsletter and mail it to the Community Partners Program Headquarters, as noted in the lower left corner of the form. Raley’s Food for Families and Smith’s Coins for Community support the Food Bank by providing money to purchase and distribute food in the communities we serve. Look for the sign up book at your favorite Scolari’s and designate the Food Bank to receive Scolari’s Friendship Fund donations  the Food Bank’s account number is 1302. Special events: Invite people coming to your event to bring non-perishable food, either for an admission fee or a donation in honor of the event. Workplace campaigns: You may make a donor-designated gift through the United Way in your place of work. Employee/employer matching gifts: Ask your personnel office about your employer’s matching gift program; matching gifts can double your contribution. Gifts in honor or memory of a special person: You may designate your contribution as a gift in honor or memory on the Food Bank’s remittance envelope. Stocks and bonds: We accept gifts of appreciated stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Our Financial Officer can provide you with assistance with information regarding transfers to the Food Bank. Bequests: Your legacy can make a difference to the lives of many. Plan a lasting gift to help our community By Nancy and Dick Bostdorff Thousands of children and senior citizens in the Truckee Meadows would not have enough to eat every day, were it not for the terrific programs provided by the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. That’s one of many important reasons why we made the decision to include the Food Bank in our estate planning. While we all strive to eliminate hunger, the need is never-ending, and more people are moving into northern Nevada all the time. With programs like the innovative and award-winning Kids Cafe, community gardens and the Nevada Child Nutrition Initiative, the Food Bank does an extraordinary job of supporting the community and the more than 80 agencies that count on the Food Bank for food and financial support. The Food Bank is also one of the most efficient non-profit organizations around, with an administrative overhead of around 8% and a warehouse that distributes nearly 2 million pounds of food each year. We want our assets to be used well in the future, and believe we can count on the Food Bank to live up to that desire. We encourage you to help provide for the future through planned giving to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada. Together we can continue to strive for a truly hunger free community. Planned Giving with a Bequest By Doris Phelps, FBNN Director of Marketing & Fund Development Perhaps one of your New Year’s resolutions is to review your estate planning and to update your will. Your will provides you with the opportunity to thoughtfully and intentionally provide for those you cherish and to continue to support your favorite worthwhile charities. Your decision to include the Food Bank of Northern Nevada as a beneficiary will help assist programs and accomplish our important mission to create hunger-free communities in our region through direct services, advocacy, outreach and education. Your bequest to the Food Bank of Northern Nevada will benefit thousands of children, seniors, the ill, needy and families with nutritious meals and related services into the future. A bequest may be established in any amount and may be designed by you and your attorney in any number of ways to enhance tax benefits to your estate. For more information about this donor opportunity, please contact the Food Bank, your attorney or financial consultant. Donate canned goods: Individuals, employee groups and community organizations can make a difference by donating items in high demand at the Food Bank: canned meats, fish and peanut butter; macaroni & cheese and pasta meals, powdered milk, baby formula and baby food; complete meals in a can such as stew, chili, ravioli and hearty soups; canned fruits, juice and vegetables; dry cereal, oatmeal, rice and pasta. Approximately 24% of the food we distribute comes from food drives and individual contributions while about $275,000 of our budget is spent on purchasing food. Donate non-food resources: The Food Bank benefits from the support of many who provide in-kind services and donations of supplies and equipment. Please call to discuss your ideas. With an estimated 33. 6 million Americans in danger of going hungry nationally, and more than 49,000 at risk locally in Northern Nevada, hunger is a problem that affects us all. As an individual, you can help in the fight against hunger. Simply click on the button below to fill out the on-line form and donate today! Resources: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/poverty http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/needy http://www. casanet. org/program-management/resource-dev/gntwrite. htm http://sofia. usgs. gov/projects/scopesofwork03/wca2elev. html http://www. netfoodbank. org/inthenews. htm Hunger and th http://www. fbnn. org/study. shtmle Elderly. Work Breakdown Structure Responsibility Matrix Promotion Newspaper Radio Mailings Flyers Counselors Recruiting Volunteer Greeters Interviewers Food Cooking Equipment Prepares Eating Areas Services Set-up Clean-up Food storage Restrooms Sercuity.
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